- The tag in the ID card is unreadable as it is cased in a foil material and shields and signals. When the ID card needs to be read, the person has to touch the ID card, this completes the circuit and the signal can thus be read by the reader. So data is transmitted only when the person wants to transmit data.
Tag remover fans
- When you stand near a table fan, you can feel it blow away dust from your clothes. when you stand near your table fan it scans the entire boy for new tags, that might have caught on in a product you purchased it. With your permission it kills the tags, like throwing dust away.
A tag eraser
- An eraser that deletes information from the tag, and restores the information back when you need to provide it to a reader.
- If a tag can be made to beep every-time it is read (rather than the reader), it makes the user aware of access to his information. If there is constant access, then it would cause a scream instead of a beep. This way we can visualize data reading from invisible sources. When technology affords, then we can have smell tags instead of audio tags, so the visualization is more subtle.
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